Top 10 Tuesday | Lesser Known Books I Meant to Read in 2018

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly book tag that was run by The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she provides a different bookish theme those deep-seated desires to list! Anyone is welcome to join in on their blog, in the comments or any other way. 

If there’s one thing all of us book bloggers have in common, it’s our very long lists of books we meant to read at some time or another and there are so many books in the world that it’s only natural that some always seem to get left behind more than others. Throughout all of 2018 and the beginning of this month, I’ve already shared many lists of books that I meant to read and these lists often mention the same books over and over again. So, instead of sharing big name books that always get attention I thought I would with you all some of the lesser known books on my 2018 TBR that I didn’t get round to instead!

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