Top 10 Tuesday | Recent Discoveries

op 10 Tuesday is a weekly book tag that was run by The Broke and the Bookish but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she provides a different bookish theme those deep-seated desires to list! Anyone is welcome to join in on their blog, in the comments or any other way. 

– Top 10 Recent Discoveries – 

Once again I’m straying away from the weekly prompt, this week it was villains, to talk about books that I’ve recently discovered instead as there’s only so much I can talk about the books I’ve read! Although I try to keep my Goodreads TBR shelf in tip top shape, to stop it getting as out of control as it used to be, over the past few months I’ve come across some books that have really peaked my interest and just had to be added. Here are 10 of my favourites and ones I can’t wait to read.

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