ARC Review: Wranglestone |A Gay Zombie Thriller with a lot of Heart

TITLE: Wranglestone
AUTHOR: Darren Charlton
RELEASED: February 2020; Stripes Publishing
GENRE: YA Science Fiction
FORMAT: Paperback

KEY INFO: post-Apocalyptic American, zombies, romance, dark secrets, winter settings
m/m relationship between lead characters

Content Notices

death, queer death

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ARC Review: Aurora Rising | It’s Time for a New Space-Adventure

TITLE: Aurora Rising
AUTHOR: Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
SERIES: The Aurora Cycle
RELEASED: May 2019; Oneworld Publications
GENRE: YA Science Fiction
FORMAT: Paperback

KEY INFO: space-adventure, military science fiction, squad goals, multiple POVs
bisexual male (Finian) , women of color (Auri is half-Chinese and Zila is black), physically disabled (Finian) and neurodivergent (Zila)

Content Notices

death, war, body horror, being knocked unconscious multiple times, unresolved guilt/tension around a one-night stand, ableism

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ARC Review: The Luminous Dead | A Sci-Fi Thriller That Never Quite Reaches Its Potential

TITLE: The Luminous Dead
AUTHOR: Caitlin Starling
RELEASED: April 2019; Harper Voyager
GENRE: Sci-Fi/Horror

KEY INFO: cave expedition, psychological thriller, romance, unreliable narrator
f/f (main/side)

Content Notices

claustrophobia, caves, absence of light, hallucinations, dead bodies, drugs & forced drug use, descriptions of bodily functions & fluids

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ARC Review: Wicked Saints | The Wicked and the Divine

TITLE: Wicked Saints
AUTHOR: Emily A. Duncan
SERIES: Something Dark and Holy
RELEASED: April 2019; Wednesday Books
GENRE: NA Fantasy

KEY INFO: Russian & Polish inspired, magic, gods, holy war, romance, morally grey characters
bisexual male (main), lesbian (side)

Content Notices

blood, self-harm, torture, war, alcohol dependency, death, abduction, violence


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ARC Review: You Asked For Perfect | Perfection is Served

TITLE: You Asked for Perfect
AUTHOR: Laura Silverman
RELEASED: March 2019; Sourcebooks Fire
GENRE: YA Contemporary

KEY INFO: Academia, friendships, romance, anxiety
bisexual Jewish MC, gay South Asian Muslim MC, lesbian Korean (side), Jewish family, anxiety

Content Notices

hospitalisation, anxiety, panic attacks, forgetting to eat, descriptions of skin blisters from over-practice


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