ARC Review: Wranglestone |A Gay Zombie Thriller with a lot of Heart

TITLE: Wranglestone
AUTHOR: Darren Charlton
RELEASED: February 2020; Stripes Publishing
GENRE: YA Science Fiction
FORMAT: Paperback

KEY INFO: post-Apocalyptic American, zombies, romance, dark secrets, winter settings
m/m relationship between lead characters

Content Notices

death, queer death

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ARC Review: Aurora Rising | It’s Time for a New Space-Adventure

TITLE: Aurora Rising
AUTHOR: Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
SERIES: The Aurora Cycle
RELEASED: May 2019; Oneworld Publications
GENRE: YA Science Fiction
FORMAT: Paperback

KEY INFO: space-adventure, military science fiction, squad goals, multiple POVs
bisexual male (Finian) , women of color (Auri is half-Chinese and Zila is black), physically disabled (Finian) and neurodivergent (Zila)

Content Notices

death, war, body horror, being knocked unconscious multiple times, unresolved guilt/tension around a one-night stand, ableism

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ARC Review: The Luminous Dead | A Sci-Fi Thriller That Never Quite Reaches Its Potential

TITLE: The Luminous Dead
AUTHOR: Caitlin Starling
RELEASED: April 2019; Harper Voyager
GENRE: Sci-Fi/Horror

KEY INFO: cave expedition, psychological thriller, romance, unreliable narrator
f/f (main/side)

Content Notices

claustrophobia, caves, absence of light, hallucinations, dead bodies, drugs & forced drug use, descriptions of bodily functions & fluids

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ARC Review: A Memory Called Empire | A Stunning and Intelligent Debut from a Promising New Voice in Science Fiction

TITLE: A Memory Called Empire
AUTHOR: Arkady Martine
SERIES: Texicalaan
RELEASED: April 2019; Tor
GENRE: Science-Fiction
FORMAT: e-Book

KEY INFO: Political science fiction, space opera, empire and imperialism, non-western setting, great world-building, political intrigue
brown-skinned characters (side), female protagonist, f/f relationship (main), bisexual (side) with both male and female love interests, elderly (side) 

Content Notices

Murder, attempted murder, poisoning, descriptions of blistering skin, bombing, pink mist, suicide, death, brain surgery, political violence

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ARC Review: Brave New Girls: Tales of Heroines Who Hack | A Diverse Anthology which Champions Women in STEM

TITLE: Brave New Girls: Tales of Heroines Who Hack
AUTHOR: edited by Paige Daniels and Mary Fan
SERIES: Brave New Girls
RELEASED: June 2018; Brave New Girls
GENRE: MG/YA Science Fiction

KEY INFO: all female protags, girls who can, anthology, supportive relationships
f/f romances, trans girl, black women, asian women, tourettes, wheelchair user, girls who use assistive tech
bullying, imprisonment, kidnapping, some stories have problematic racial rep

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