Down the TBR Hole |#5

Down the TBR Hole was originally created by Lia @ Lost in a Story

Hey friendies, welcome back to our normal Down the TBR Hole service. Last time, we took a little diversion from the usual format of Down the TBR Hole to use the KonMarie method on my physical book shelves. ICYMI you can find the post here! It turned out to be a super successful way to sort through all of my books and my house (and bookshelves) feel a lot nicer. I’ve also been making some progress on my first Down the TBR Hole deadlines which I’ll be sharing in a progress post soon.

For now though, let’s crack on with our normal service and keep tackling that pesky Goodreads shelf.

How it works:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 books)
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

Continue reading “Down the TBR Hole |#5”

Book Review: ACOTAR | Fun and Saucy but is it worth the hype?

TITLE: A Court of Thorns and Roses
AUTHOR: Sarah J. Maas
SERIES: A Court of Thorns and Roses
RELEASED: May 5th 2015; Bloomsbury Publishing
GENRE: YA Fantasy
FORMAT: Paperback

KEY INFO: Fae, Romance, Court Politics, Series

amazon // book depository // goodreads


Continue reading “Book Review: ACOTAR | Fun and Saucy but is it worth the hype?”

Most Popular Books versus the Highest Rated Books on my TBR

This past week has ended up being a very Goodreads inspired blogging week. This time I’ve been inspired by Destiny’s super fun post. The aim is to sort your Goodreads TBR shelf according to the number of ratings (“num ratings”) and share the books which are the most popular.

When I tried it out the other day I thought it was really interesting alternating between the most popular books and the highest rated books on my TBR because those two things are very different. So I’m going to divide this post into most popular versus highest rated for a fun comparison! As there are quite a few books which appeared on my highest rated list that either hadn’t been reviewed as the book isn’t released yet (and no ARCs released) or only had less than 5 reviews, I will only be including books that have been released (including ARCs) and that have more than 30 reviews.

Continue reading “Most Popular Books versus the Highest Rated Books on my TBR”